Grant guidance
FNAB funding applications
- Grants are attributed annually to translational researchers in MSc or PhD programs which allow phenotypic characterisation of tumours and identification of new targets.
- Typically, funding is primarily linked to relatively rare cancer types, in centres where tertiary recruitment of such cancer types is prevalent, with an available clinical database.
- Initial 1-year grant, renewable once and in exceptional cases, twice.
- Require an annual evaluation of the project status by the Scientific Advisory Board (renewal is dependent on provision of a project status report).
To be eligible for financial support, your request must include:
- The aim(s) and a detailed description of the scientific project linked to the FNAB’s missions (including disease/entity type, estimated number of accessible patients, and details of available tumour tissues and clinical data).
- Detailed budget (salaries and costs including materials and overheads).
- CV including your publications.
- Letter of recommendation.
- Note: requests for funding for MSc or PhD students must be reviewed, approved and submitted to the FNAB by the program director.
For more information about your project’s potential eligibility or to submit a request, contact us at
Learn more about our program and visit the projects funded.